A downloadable game for Windows

This is a demo for the upcoming game BEYOND TENMEI.

Roll dice to move, attack, and interact with the world. You can cast spells to alter the dice and get the outcomes you desire, but be careful with your MP! Pay attention to your enemies' tricks as not to meet a terrible fate!


All actions are performed with the mouse and left-click.

As any dice are rolling, click to roll the dice.

Once all dice have been rolled, you enter the Command Phase. Here, you can:

  • Hover over things to see what they do. This is extremely important to understand what's going on! This is especially important on the Combat board as your enemies' tricks and behaviors are determined entirely by their Talents!
  • Click Spells, then click any applicable targets for the spell to spend MP and cast it, or click the spell again to cancel casting. Spells can target one die, two dice, or nothing at all.
  • Click on a party member's portrait to swap them in as the active character. This neither costs nor triggers anything, so swap to your heart's content!
  • Click the Reroll button to spend the active character's MP and reroll all dice on the board. Use this if your roll is bad and the enemy's is good. Rerolls can (and will) save you, so try not to enter any kind of encounter with 0 MP!
  • Click GO to move, attack, or otherwise interact with the current board.

On the Travel board, clicking GO will move you to the right a number of spaces equal to your die total. It is possible to move further than what's displayed. Hover over the Travel spaces for an idea of what will happen when you land on them.

On the Event board, clicking GO will progress the text. If a choice presents itself, you will roll dice and enter the Command phase. Clicking GO will then pick a choice based on your left-most die.

On the Combat board, clicking GO will enter the Strike Phase followed by the Special Phase. As you enter the Strike Phase, you will attack first with your dice from left to right, then your enemy will do the same.  You can KO your enemy before they have a chance to strike. After all strikes are mete, if any combatant has any Special Phase talents, you enter the Special Phase to trigger them. Then, the Combat round ends, a new one begins, enter the Roll phase again to reroll all dice, enter the Command Phase again, etc. Repeat until you achieve Victory or Defeat.


  • F5 cycles through shader presets. Just use the one you like!
  • F6 cycles through die icon styles. Again, whichever you prefer!
  • F7 maximizes the window.
  • F8 cycles through integer scaled window resolutions, lowest is 2x. Use this to exit fullscreen if you're having mouse issues.


  • Classic Mode: Changed the spell selection spaces to 10 / 40 / 70 from 25 / 50 / 75, so you get your first spell 15 spaces earlier but the rest are farther apart, and the last, hardest stretch is a little longer.
  • Bigger die icons for multiple things
  • Bigger GO button
  • Bigger Reroll button + reroll icon
  • Default shader is OFF, F5 still cycles through them


  • Items are in but Stage Rankings and the Delta Menu are not currently available in the demo. Item descriptions are disabled until then as that's what they're for.
  • Only one stage in Story Mode right now, but the final demo build will include three. The Story Demo stages will be slightly different from the full game's Story Mode stages.
  • Fullscreen mouse position isn't right for all resolutions, so please don't use true fullscreen for now. If you enter fullscreen anyway, the mouse pointer may not work properly. F8 will integer scale to minimum and fix this.
  • Screenshots are now out of date with recent UI changes but the overall look is the same


  • Steam stuff removed from demo (meant to do this but uploaded main branch with demo translation instead)
  • Corrected which translation to load when starting Classic Mode
  • Added translation file redundancy where it will look for ANY .trn file if the argument is bogus or doesn't match the translation file's filename.
  • Talent crashes from Round Start triggers
  • Talent crashes from some On Attack triggers
  • Text parsing issues
  • Classic Mode looping at the first checkpoint over and over by loading the first space event instead of the Spell selection event
  • Dying / beating the boss no longer restarts the entire game / fucks up the window
  • Strong enemies and Really Bad Spikes now properly display their correct sprites in the Travel scene
  • Dice now unmark when you're defeated instead of persisting
  • Sound system leak addressed, sound should no longer simply stop working

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
Tags2D, Dungeon Crawler, Fantasy, Indie, Pixel Art, Roguelike, Singleplayer


BeyondTenmei.zip 143 MB

Install instructions

Extract ZIP.

Open BeyondTenmei.exe.

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